What has been a trying time for the aviation industry as a whole since 2008, has been just as trying a time for Greystones Aviation In the last year there has been a flood of changes within Greystones Aviation Components that includes exciting agency awards. Greystones Aviation Components has been working for some time now to secure the agency for Trakka Corp Aviation beams. We can proudly announce that we are now the agents for Trakka Corp in Africa and the surrounding islands. Our agreement opens the door for South African and African based sales, maintenance and overhaul capabilities.
In the past year Greystones Aviation Components has signed service centre agreements with Robinson Helicopters for the R22,R44 and soon to be completed the R66. Raymond Warburg, who is the manager of the components workshop of Greystones Aviation components, has been with company for 22 years. In 2008 Raymond took over from Peter Griggs for oversight of the Components section of GAC. Raymond has worked closely with Rob Dellar and has journeyed Rob with his 22 years of experience in components repair and overhaul.